Oh it’s just too easy to mess with these fuckers. FREE for $5! Actually “free” for $299 you gotta pay it right now over the phone or you’re outta luck. Yeah guess what I did… Gave them a credit card number being watched by the FBI… have fun guys. OH I can’t believe Reed Exhibitions of anyone got fooled by these fucks. REED, I thought you ran conventions around the world? The notion that you wouldn’t have already known about this is just… wha? They weren’t on your dealer map. Did they sneak in? I wouldn’t be surprised if they did, but seriously, that means someone’s gotta get beat. Reed; you have money, you could pay to have them killed. I would guarantee I’d buy a lifetime membership to the NY Anime Festival as well as NY Comic Con if you could just start the rumor that you sliced up one of these fuckers (hell I'll do it.. I got experience slicin fukers up!).
The call came to in to my chump line (the one I give the gen pop) and so I was already on guard. Man, these guys didn’t even try. The pitch, wait for my reaction, the hook. You’d think at least they’d mail some shit for me to fill out… oh wait, that’s mail fraud which carries much more time than what they’re doing.
I guess I’m on the lower end of the list. Apparently everyone else already got called and I was only good for Wednesday Night after the con! I’m kinda insulted. But then again the fact that I have credit protecting agencies all over my accounts might explain why they put me on the back of the list. Sigh.
Well Reed and your New York Anime Festival, you did well for your first year. But we expect you to find these people and have their heads on display for next con. We believe in you.
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